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HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001

HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001

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HP laptop hinges required?

Buy HP laptop hinges compatible with your HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001 or have it be replaced by Computersall.
(tax incl.)

Problems with opening your laptop or the LCD screen not holding up?

The most common reason to replace the hinges on a laptop is damage from a fall. Sometimes the damage to the laptop is top cover can be limited to just a dent that you can live with, and sometimes a piece can be broken off, revealing the inner workings of your screen. With the help of this replacement HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001 you will have a well working laptop back and your laptop will soon be as new again.

HP laptop Scharnieren compitable s.a (1) HP laptop series:

    HP laptop Scharnieren part numbers:

      Part number is a unique alphanumeric code assigned by a manufacturer to a specific product or part. Check the numbers on the part you are looking for will be replaced in this list. Some products have more numbers.

      My laptop hinge broke. Is it possible to fix it?

      Broken hinge is unfixable. Replacement is the only solution. if your laptop hinge is broken, the first thing you need to do is to stop using it. If the laptop is already open, do not try to close it unless you have no way of carrying it otherwise, and if it is closed, do not try to open it. Using the laptop with broken hinges can cause more damage to your laptop and maybe even break something (lcd cover, screen of lcd cable) that was not broken before.

      My laptop hinges are lose or tight?

      Hinges are moving parts, and moving parts, whether we like it or not, fail over time. The bolt type of hinge can be repaired by loosening or tighting and then a small dab of silicone grease can be applied to the parts but how tight is too tight and how loose is too loose. We always recommend our customers to replace them.

      Do i get screws or hinges cover with the hinges?

      The screws and hinges cover are not supplied with the hinges, you buy them separately.

      HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001 be replaced

      You can your HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001 have it repaired by us, for repair your HP Envy X360 13-Ay 13-Ayxxxxxx Hinges TPN-C147 L95885-001 L94499-001 by an experienced repairer at a low price.
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